Participants List
(as of June 12)
- Adamchik, Victor Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA United
- Adams, Elizabeth James Madison University Harrisonburg VA United
- Ala-Mutka, Kirsti Tampere Univ. of Technology Tampere FI Finland
- Alexander, Sylvia University of Ulster Belfast UK United Kingdom
- Allert, James U. of Minnesota Duluth Duluth MN United States
- Aloisio, Mario U. of Malta Junior College Msida Malta
- Amillo, June Univ. Politecnica de Madrid Boadilla del Monte Spain
- Anderson, Jay Franklin Marshall College Lancaster PA United States
- Appelgren, Oscar UMEA University Umea SW Sweden
- Arapoglou, Aristides Lykeio Artakis Halkis GC GREECE
- Argynou, George McGraw-Hill Publishing Maidenhead UK United Kingdom
- Arnaoutoglou, George 2nd Tee Eyosmoy Thessaloniki GC GREECE
- Austing, Dick Registration Silver Spring MD United States
- Azadegan, Shiva Towson University Towson MD United States
- Baciu, Rodica "Lucian Blaga" Univ. of Sibiu Sibiu Roumania
- Barker, Lecia University of Colorado Boulder CO United States
- Becker, Katrin University of Calgary Calgary CN Canada
- Bentley, Hilary University of Wolverhampton Wolverhampton UK United
- Bergin, Joseph Pace University New York NY United States
- Boettcher, Axel Univ. of Applied Sciences Munich GR Germany
- Boucher Owens, Barbara Southwestern University Georgetown TX United
- Boyce, Roger University of Leeds Leeds UK United Kingdom
- Bredin, Jonathan Colorado College Colorado Springs CO United States
- Burkhart, Helmar University of Basel Basel CH Switzerland
- Camilleri, Mario University of Malta Mosta ML Malta
- Capon, Peter University of Manchester Manchester United Kingdom
- Carter, Janet U. of Kent at Canterbury Canterbury UK United Kingdom
- Caspersen, Michael University of Aarhus Aarhus DK Denmark
- Cassel, Lillian Villanova University Villanova PA United States
- Chalk, Peter London Metropolitan University London UK United Kingdom
- Char, Bruce Drexel University Philadelphia PA United States
- Chen, Chi-Hui California State U., Chico Chico CA United States
- Christensen, Henrik University of Aarhus Aarhus DK Denmark
- Cizmar, Dawn University of Texas at Austin Austin TX United States
- Clark, Martyn University of Leeds Leeds United Kingdom
- Cooper, Stephen St. Joseph's University Philadelphia PA United States
- Cranitch, Gregory Griffith U. Gold Coast Gold Coast AU Australia
- Cuschieri, Ray University of Malta Msida Malta
- D'Antonio, Lawrence Ramapo College Mahwah NJ United States
- Dagdilelis, Vassilios University of Macedonia Thessaloniki GC GREECE
- Daniels, Mats Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden
- Dann, Wanda Ithaca College Ithaca NY United States
- Davies, Gordon Open University Milton Keynes UK United Kingdom
- Dean, Susan UMUC - Maryland in Europe Heidelberg GR Germany
- Densmaa, Batmunkh National Univ. of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar MG Mongolia
- Dick, Martin Monash University Caulfield AU Australia
- DiGiano, Chris SRI International Boulder CO United States
- Dioudi, Eirini 1o Tee Alexandreias Alexandreias GC GREECE
- Dochin, Bujmaa Mongol Empire Co. ltd Ulaanbaatar MG Mongolia
- English, John University of Brighton Brighton UK United Kingdom
- Estevens, Luis ESTIG Beja PO Portugal
- Evangelidis, Georgios University of Macedonia Thessaloniki GC GREECE
- Finkel, David Worcester Polytechnic Inst. Worcester MA United States
- Fleischer, Rudolf HKUST Hong Kong SAR
- Fone, William Staffordshire University Stoke on Trent UK United
- Fuller, Ursula U. of Kent at Canterbury Canterbury Kent UK United
- Gal-Ezer, Judith The Open University of Israel Tel-Aviv ISRAEL
- Garvin-Doxas, Kathy University of Colorado Boulder CO United States
- Gatsoulis, Symeon 2nd Tee Ano Liosion Athens GC GREECE
- Gegg-Harrison, Timothy Winona State University Winona MN United States
- Georgiopoulos, Michael Univ. of Central Florida Orlando FL United
- Giannakoulias, Panagiotis Tech Educatioal Inst of Athens Athens GC
- Goelman, Don Villanova University Villanova PA United States
- Goldweber, Michael Xavier University Cincinnati OH United States
- Goold, Annegret Deakin University Melbourne AU Australia
- Granger, Mary George Washington University Washington DC United States
- Gray, Cary Wheaton College Wheaton IL United States
- Grousouzakou, Eyfrosynh 1o Esperino Tee Peristeriou Athens GC GREECE
- Gunawardena, Ananda Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA United
- Guzdial, Mark Georgia Inst. of Technology Atlanta GA United States
- Haberman, Bruria Holon Acad.Inst. of Technology Holon IS ISRAEL
- Haddow, John Bell College Hamilton SL SCOTLAND
- Halidorsson, Halidor Reykjavik University Reykjavik IC Iceland
- Hatsiulis, Theodore 2nd Technical School of Veria Veria GC GREECE
- Haug, Frode Gjovik University College Gjovik NR NORWAY
- Hazzan, Orit Technion Haifa IS ISRAEL
- Heines, Jesse U. of Massachusetts - Lowell Lowell MA United States
- Higgins, Colin University of Nottingham Nottingham United Kingdom
- Huang, Timothy Middlebury College Middlebury VT United States
- Huang, Jeff SRI International Menlo Park CA United States
- Impagliazzo, John Hofstra University Hempstead NY United States
- Innocenti, Gaia University of Florence Florence ITALY
- Jones, Edward Florida A&M University Tallahassee FL United States
- Kanidis, Evangeles 1st Lyceumof Brilissia Brilissia GC GREECE
- Kaskalis, Theodore Aristotle U. of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki GC GREECE
- Kati, Sofia University of Macedonia Larisa GC GREECE
- Klawe, Maria Princeton University Princeton NJ United States
- Klein, Bruce Grand Valley State University Allendale MI United States
- Knuth, Donald Stanford University Palo Alto CA United States
- Kokkinaki, Alexandra 1o Tee Alexandreias Alexandreias GC GREECE
- Kolas, Oyvind Gjovik University College Gjovik NR NORWAY
- Koldehofe, Boris Chalmers Univ. of Technology Goteborg SW Sweden
- Kolling, Michael Univ. of Southern Denmark Odense DK Denmark
- Korhonen, Ari Helsinki Univ. of Technology Helsinki FI Finland
- Kosa, Martha Tennessee Technological Univ. Cookeville TN United States
- Kroumova, Elena California State U., Chico Chico CA United States
- Kuittinen, Marja University od Joensuu Joensuu FI Finland
- Kujansuu, Esa Tampere Polytechnic Tampere FI Finland
- Kurhila, Jaakko University of Helsinki Helsinki FI Finland
- Last, Mary St. Edward's University Georgetown TX United States
- Lawhead, Pamela The University of Mississippi Oxford MS United States
- Laxer, Cary Rose-Hulman Inst of Technology Terre Haute IN United
- Lee, Byong Bennett College Greensboro NC United States
- Leska, Charles Randolph-Macon College Ashland VA United States
- Lethbridge, Timothy University of Ottawa Ottawa Canada
- Linos, Panagiotis Butler University Indianapolis IN United States
- Lkhamsuren, Nasandelger Mongolian Technical Univ. Ulaanbaatar MG
- Loose, Kenneth University of Calgary Calgary Canada
- Lopez, Dian University of Minnesota Morris MN United States
- Lopez, Angel Univ. of Minnesota, Morris Morris MN United States
- Lynch, Kathy Monash University, SIMS Melbourne AU Australia
- Makrovasilis, Athanasios T. E. I. of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki GC
- Makrygiannis, Panagiotis 7th SEK of Pireas Pireas GC GREECE
- Malmi, Lauri Helsinki Univ of Technology Expoo FI Finland
- Manaris, Bill College of Charleston Charleston SC United States
- Margaritis, Konstantinos University of Macedonia Thessaloniki GC
- McAllister, Gerry University of Ulster Belfast UK United Kingdom
- McCauley, Renee College of Charleston Charleston SC United States
- McDowell, Charlie U. of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz CA United
- McNally, Myles Alma College Alma MI United States
- Meeden, Lisa Swarthmore College Swarthmore PA United States
- Meyerowitz, Jane University of Natal Durban ZA South Africa
- Mirmotahari, Omid University of Oslo Oslo NORWAY
- Mirolo, Claudio University of Udine Udine IT ITALY
- Moody, Daniel Charles University Prague CZ Czech Republic
- Moore, Thomas Univ of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Eau Claire WI
- Moorman, Laura Xavier University Cincinnati OH United States
- Mughal, Khalid University of Bergin Bergin NR NORWAY
- Murray, Keitha Iona College New Rochelle NY United States
- Naps, Thomas Univ of Wisconsin - Oshkosh Oshkosh WI United States
- Nevison, Chris Colgate University Hamilton NY United States
- Newhall, Tim Swarthmore College Swarthmore PA United States
- Nodelman, Vladimir Academic Inst. of Technology Holon ISRAEL
- Or-Bach, Rachel Emek Yezreel College Emek Yezreel IS ISRAEL
- Papadimitriou, Christos U. of California at Berkeley Berkeley CA
United States
- Papadopoulos, George 2nd Lyceum Neapolis Thessaloniki GREECE
- Papalaskari, Mary-Angela Villanova University Villanova PA United
- Papamanthou, Charalampos University of Macedonia Thessaloniki GREECE
- Paparrizos, Konstantinos University of Macedonia Thessaloniki GC
- Papastergiou, Marina University of Thessaly Trikala GREECE
- Papatriantafilou, Marina Chalmers Univ. of Technology Goteborg SW
- Parker, Jim University of Calgary Calgary CN Canada
- Parkinson, Adrian Trinity College Dublin Dublin IR Ireland
- Patterson, Andrew Monash University Melbourne AU Australia
- Pears, Arnold Uppsala University Uppsala SW Sweden
- Prey, Jane National Science Foundation Arlington VA United States
- Psarri, Dimitra 1st Lykeio Agias Varvaras Athens GC GREECE
- Quig, Bruce Monash University Caulfield East AU Australia
- Ragonis, Noa Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot IS ISRAEL
- Ramakrishnan, Sita Monash University Melbourne AU Australia
- Rantakokko, Jarmo Uppsala University Uppsala SW Sweden
- Rasala, Richard Northeastern University Boston MA United States
- Ratcliffe, Mark University of Wales Aberystwyth United Kingdom
- Redmond, James Trinity College Dublin Dublin IR Ireland
- Reinfelds, Juris Univ. of Texas at El Paso El Paso TX United States
- Ricardo, Catherine Iona College New Rochelle NY United States
- Riedesel, Charles U. of Nebraska, Lincoln Lincoln NE United States
- Robbert, Mary Ann Bentley College Waltham MA United States
- Roberts, Eric Stanford University Stanford CA United States
- Roessling, Guido TU Darmstadt Darmstadt Germany
- Ross, Rockford Montana State University Bozeman MT United States
- Roussos, Constantine Lynchburg College Lynchburg VA United States
- Rozanski, Evelyn Rochester Inst of Technology Rochester NY United
- Ruckert, Martin FH Munchen Munich GR Germany
- Ryan, Kathleen St. Joseph's University Philadelphia PA United States
- Sahinidis, Nikolaos University of Illinois Urbana IL United States
- Satratzemi, Maya University of Macedonia Thessaloniki GC GREECE
- Schaller, Nan Rochester Inst of Technology Rochester NY United States
- Scott, Kirk Univ of Alaska - Anchorage Anchorage AK United States
- Semertzian, Rozana University of Macedonia Thessaloniki GC GREECE
- Sheard, Judy Monash University Melbourne AU Australia
- Sitthiworachart, Jirarat University of Warwick Coventry United
- Sobel, Ann Miami University Oxford OH United States
- Spirakis, Paul University of Patras Patras GC GREECE
- Sojka, Petr Masaryk University in Brno Brno Czech Republic
- Taylor, Harriet National Science Foundation Arlington VA United States
- Thomas, Pete The Open University Milton Keynes UK United Kingdom
- Thomasson, Benjy University of Wales Aberystwyth United Kingdom
- Trakhtenbrot, Mark Holon Acad.Inst. of Technology Holon IS ISRAEL
- Trantidis, Andreas Aristotle U. of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki GC GREECE
- Triantafilloy, Evangelos Aristotle U. of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki GC
- Trono, John St. Michael's College Colchester VT United States
- Tsadiras, Athanasios University of Macedonia Thessaloniki GC GREECE
- Tsasakou, Sophia 3rd Lykeioum of Cholargos Athens GC GREECE
- Turau, Volker Tech.Univ. Hamburg-Harburg Hamburg Germany
- Tusch, Gunter Grand Valley State University Allendale MI United States
- Unna, Yachin Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem Jerusalem IS ISRAEL
- VanDeGrift, Tammy University of Washington Seattle WA United States
- Vilner, Tamar The Open University of Israel Tel-Aviv IS ISRAEL
- Wagner, Paul Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Eau Claire WI United States
- Walker, Henry Grinnell College Grinnell IA United States
- Wells, Barbara South Fork High School Stuart FL United States
- Werner, Linda U. of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz CA United States
- Xinogalos, Stelios University of Macedonia Thessaloniki GREECE
- Yehezkel, Cecile Holon Acad.Inst. of Technology Holon IS ISRAEL
- Zagouras, Charlambos University of Patras Patras GC GREECE
- Ziovas, Stefanos 2o High School of Argiroupoli Argiroupoli GC GREECE
- Zur, Ela The Open University of Israel Tel-Aviv IS ISRAEL