Panel Session 1
Monday, June 30, 13:30-15:00
Experiences with IDEs and Java Teaching: What Works and
What Doesn't
Keitha Murray (Iona College, USA)
Jesse M. Heines (University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA)
Michael Kölling (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Tom Moore (University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, USA)
Nan C. Schaller (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
John Trono (Saint Michael's College, USA)
Paul J. Wagner (University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, USA)
Short description: The environment chosen to teach Java can have a
profound effect on students' abilities to learn the language. Panelists
will report on their experiences using different Java Interactive
Development Environments (IDEs) to teach Java and what they identify as
the strengthens and weaknesses of each IDE. Each panelist will discuss
the most important features of the IDEs and related teaching pedagogies to
address "what works and what doesn't" when teaching Java.
Panel Session 2
Monday, June 30, 15:45-17:15
IEEE-CS/ACM Computing Curricula - Software Engineering Volume
Ann Sobel (Miami University, USA)
Tim Lethbridge (University of Ottawa, Canada)
David Budgen (Keele University, UK)
Short description:
In the fall of 1998, the Educational Activities Board
of the IEEE Computer Society and the ACM Education Board appointed
representatives to a joint task force whose mission was to perform a major
review of curriculum guidelines for undergraduate programs in
computing. This activity, named Computing Curricula, and their
corresponding final reports, which are listed as volumes II-V for the
of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, and
Information Systems, are in varying stages of completion. This panel will
report on the Software Engineering Volume development process, the
of the first draft of the Volume, and the application of the curriculum
guidelines to international curriculum models.
Panel Session 3
Wednesday, July 2, 15:45-17:15
Challenges in Teaching Capstone Courses
Liz Adams (James Madison University, USA)
Orit Hazzan (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Mats Daniels (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Kathy Lynch (Monash University, Australia)
Ian Newman (Loughborough University, UK)
Annegret Goold (Deakin University, Australia)
Short description: Many of us run capstone projects/courses and do
so in different ways. The members of this panel come from different
countries, belong to
different types of institutions, teach in different computing disciplines
and the capstone projects they run also vary considerably. Yet, there
is a strong sense of consensus about what a capstone project is and how
valuable it is as a learning experience for students.
The panel discussion will serve as an inspiration to develop new, and
change old capstone project courses. The main aim is to discuss why,
or why not, different approaches work in a capstone project. What are the
learning objectives behind the approach? What are the problems?
What are the benefits? How is assessment managed? What resources, tools
and techniques are used by staff/students to administer and
manage the projects?
Concrete examples of how capstone projects are run at the five
institutions represented by the panellists will be given and issues such
framework, methodologies, project examples and technologies used in the
process of producing projects will be addressed.